Pediatric Massage Therapy, more properly referred to as Chinese Therapeutic Pediatric Tuina Massage is very unique and a very effective technique and therapy. It differs from treating adults which is called adult Tuina and also differs from other massage therapies. Besides using acupressure points, most points used on children are special pediatric massage points whose points distribute all over the body. Some manipulations, such as rubbing, pushing, kneading, pinching, pressing, and grasping can be used on different points according to different illness.All the massage manipulations are like love touch on the children’s body, which makes them very comfortable. There are no side effects or any harm to children. This technique is easy to do. There are no instruments needed. The only items needed are talcum powder, baby powder, some specially prepared herb juice, or lotion in order to protect and smooth the skin.

Chinese pediatric massage therapy has been used in China over two thousand years according to book record. It is an ideal alternative therapy to medications and is widely used. There are pediatric massage departments in most major Chinese medical hospitals in China today. There are no drugs and no injections are needed for many kinds of illness. Almost all common childhood ailments, including internal disorders, trauma, and diseases of the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, can be treated effectively with pediatric Tuina. Chinese pediatric massage particularly and effectively treats pediatric digestive and respiratory disorders such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, lack of appetite, constipation, common cold, fever, sinusitis, ear infection, cough, asthma, and many other childhood ailments. Other disorders such as hyperactivity, ADD, ADHD, night crying, bed wetting and seizure disorders can all get very good results. Some times the effects of the treatment can be considered a small miracle. Most people cannot imagine how good the results are before they really try it. For some diseases, Tuina can be the chief therapy, while for other diseases Tuina can be the auxiliary therapy.

Currently in China, the range of applicability of this unique art is being widened with the accumulation of practical, clinical experience. Based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, new diseases are being treated with this ancient therapy, even for some diseases not clearly understood. In such cases, quite miraculous effects can sometimes be achieved by Chinese pediatric massage.
We offer pediatric massage therapy in Tampa, Clearwater, Westchase, Oldsmar, Town 'n' Country, Lutz and Safety Harbor.